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General Information

BHKW-Infozentrum – CHP-Information Center

The CHP Information Center Rastatt has evolved since its inception in August 1999, to become the largest platform for information on decentralized energy systems such as combined heat and power (CHP) and cogeneration (CHP).

In 2013, more than 1,000,000 visitors took advantage of the free information service, which currently includes more than 850 text files.

  • Quality and timely information has led to a lively flow of visitors.
  • More than 11,000 users of the CHP info center subscribe to the free newsletter. The „CHP Info“ newsletter appears 3 to 4 times per month and provides information on new features and updates to the CHP Information Center.
  • Like no other information platform, the site is represented on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, XING and YouTube.
  • Many visitors reach the CHP Information Center by requests to search engines. In this segment, the CHP Resource Center and the topics-sites of the BHKW-Infozentrum occupy a prominent position.
  • Another large portion of visitors find the CHP Resource Center through dedicated links. Many energy agencies, associations, trade journals and some CHP providers have now exchanged links to the CHP Resource Center. This results in a high PageRank on Google and an immense number of backlinks in Yahoo. The federal government, the BMU and the WDR even refer to reports published about Cogeneration that have appeared on the CHP Information Center pages, from their websites.
  • The print media sector takes public interest in the CHP Resource center due to the numerous technical reports, which are published under the name of the CHP Information enter and appears regularly in specialist German language magazines, including “Brennstoff Wärme Kraft” (VDISpringer Verlag), “Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen” (etv Essen), “Energie & Management” (EMVG), “Sonne Wind und Wärme” (BVA), “Technik am Bau” (Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften), “Euroheat and Power” (Fernwärme international), “ZfK”, “IKZ”, das “Handelsblatt” sowie “KommunalTechnik”.

Thematically customized microsites such as the platform for information on the mini-KWK-Impulsprogramm created by the “Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety Construction” (BMUB) have led to an increased significance of the CHP Information Center on the Internet.

The English-language domain http: //www.cogeneration.info is under construction and currently being filled with its first contents.

Changes beginning in 2015

Spring 2015

  • Many of the content pages will be revised by April. This is especially true for the headings „General Notes“ and „Fields of Application“
  • The section „cogeneration examples“ will be completely redesigned. The now more than 120 pdf files in regard to „CHP Plant of the Month“ will have short descriptions and can be found better by search engines in relation to the nature of supply, object descriptions, the fuel used or effective power class.
  • The section „VDI“ is also being redesigned. Each standard and VDI guideline is presented with a short text and categorized based on keywords. Users can then search for specific standards and guidelines.
  • The press will be redesigned along the lines of the press reviews on CHP Consult and divided by topics such as „Politics and Economics“ and „start-up“ lists of the latest commissioned press releases taken from more than 15,000 sources.
  • The „CHP database“ will be published, which will make it possible to enter cogeneration projects and search for cogeneration projects. For more than 12 months, information has been collected via newly installed CHP plants and from June 2015 CHP operators will be written to. The goal is to have several hundred cogeneration projects throughout Europe included in the database by the end of 2015.
  • A „cogeneration module search engine“ allows the user to look for modules for specific cogeneration modules in a current database of around 1,200.
  • In addition, from the summer of 2015 CHP modules will be presented regularly in detailed reports.
  • The download area will be completely redesigned in June 2015.. Users can then search the document inventory on the pages of the CHP info center and other sites by keywords and a free text search.
  • The discussion forum „KWK24“ will be relaunched.
  • Various brochures to CHP topics will be published.

Summer 2015

  • An summary of the regional and local energy agencies in Germany will be released.
  • The category „Book Review“ will deal with publications covering CHP, heating engineering, electrical engineering and the energy industry with qualified reviews of books in the same thematic context of co-generation plants. This section is also equipped with a search function.

Services for sponsors

All sponsors will receive their own private login area by April 2015. This allows sponsors to configurate their company profile, download instructions on CHP tenders and publish press releases.

  • Corporate Presentation

the ability of sponsors to present your business on the sides of the CHP info center has been improved considerably. A first impression can be seen under the link http://www.bhkw-infozentrum.de/sponsorendarstellung/bhkw-consult_unternehmensdarstellung.html. In addition to the publication of a corporate representation on the CHP Resource Center, users can also release a publication on the English Information Platform (www.cogeneration.info).

  • Press releases

Sponsors will have the opportunity to publish press releases on the CHP information center independently and thus reaching through the press box function around 15,000 journalists. The additional distribution through the press box is subject to a fee. Sponsors benefit from special conditions of the CHP-Info Centre.

  • Conferences Exhibitions

Every year, CHP Consult and the CHP info center hosts more than 20 conferences and seminars. Particularly during conferences participants have the opportunity to present their company in form of an information stand or with an exhibit or module as part of an accompanying exhibition. Only sponsors of the CHP info center will have the opportunity to become an exhibitor. In the case of the two annual conferences  „BHKW 2015“ or „KWK 2015“ an exhibition extra package would be charged, but are  quite low.

  • Brochures

From 2015 onwards brochures on current CHP topics will be made availalable through the CHP information center. These brochures can be ordered from sponsors at special rates.

Price list

For a web presentation according to the „document for sponsors“ following amounts will be charged. These prices have not been increased since 2003.

There will be a price adjustment in 2015 as part of an adaptation with regards to the expansion of services offered.

Approximate standard
for classification
Monthly charge /
one-time setup fee
version 1:
local, small business
locally active
< 5 employees
€ 17,50 per month
€ 35,00 set-up fee
version 2:
small company
< 10 employees € 22,50 per month
€ 50,00 set-up fee
version 3:
medium company
between 10 und
100 employees
€ 27,50 per month
€ 50,00 set-up fee
version 4:
large company
> 100 employees or
> 10 million € revenue
€ 32,50 per month
€ 50,00 set-up fee

All prices before VAT.

Following methods of payment apply:

  • The one-time setup fee for the creation of the internet presentation is to be paid upon receipt of the corresponding invoice.
  • The monthly fees are payable 12 months in advance.
  • Cancellation has to be made four weeks before a contract expires. This requires the written form. If no notice is given, the contract will be automatically extended for a further 12 months.

With the publication of this price list all previous price lists lose their validity.


If you are interested to present your company on the CHP Resource Center, please send us a e-mail: ines.kneipp@bhkw-consult.de

Information is also available as a PDF download from the following link:

Preis-Leistungs-Verzeichnis des BHKW-Infozentrum